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'Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take." Proverbs 3:5-6

Friday, December 30, 2011

Blessings from God! (2011 version)

I must say that 2011 was a pretty eventful year, so many things happened! Good & bad both the same heheh :) bcos God is fair!

 #1- Getting into NJ & meeting my mates 

I rmb how bad i wanted to get into NJ, haha super duper desperate!! Looking at my phone, texting athena during the first & second day of orientation for the whole day cos we can't wait for the news from mr sham & his replies were so slow... Was praying so hard while mr sham was talking to the principle, thank God we got in after a long wait haha!! Hmm but i must say studying in NJ aint easy. But.. its my dream to study in an elite school, so yeah my dream was fulfilled hahaha ^^

Adiv was awesome, hais i still think that the 4th position belongs to us. My free throws oh godddd!! I'll make sure my free throws hits 80% for this year's a div. Needa say that my seniors from the team are good role models: Hardworking, helpful, kind, humble & prettaye!! :D

#2- Representing Singapore for ASG

Didn't ever thought that i'll get to represent singapore for any competitions, its my dream but yeah i thought it was impossible cos I'm too blur & lousy. But(again) 
right right?? So wohoo PTL i got my chance ^^ Even though i benched for most of the times, its like i only got to play in total for around 10 minutes for 3 games zzzz hahah don't laugh at me okay :(( At least i got a chance to experience something awesome :) God gave me the chance. Haha anw i don't think i'll get to represent Singapore anymore cos i think i think the coach regretted choosing me LOL!! 

#3- Awarded 'Sports Girl of the Year 2011'

I DONT EVEN KNOW THIS AWARD EXISTS IN NJC LOLOLOL!! So ya hahah i was super shocked when one of the pe teachers informed me that i got this award. I was overjoyed but at the same time worried about how others will think about me receiving this award, if i deserved it or what. Cos there's like other girls from canoeing who are damm good too, like wayyyyy better than me in their fitness blah bah blah.. But heheh God's on my side so i got it!! :) Cant describe in words how happy & proud i am as in ya you know you know.

#4- Korea trip aka 'knowing my flaws trip'

THIS TRIP WAS DEFINITELY GOD'S PLAN!! It was super duper fun hahah but also hmmm, self reflectory. My parents identified and told me about their views on my behaviour & attitude blah blah blah.  Its really time to be unselfish and i need to know how to freaking take care of myself!! Was very pissed during the scolding but after that, yeahhh i knew i was really bad i need to change. Thank God for using this trip as a 'lesson' to me :) 


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